Some Notes On Self-Publishing Ebooks

I recently ran a writing group in my adoptive home-town of Wellington which focused on self-publishing. The following are my notes from my presentation where I spoke about my experiences self-publishing my ebook. A little bit about me I moved to Wellington in 2017 from Leicester in the UK. I’ve always enjoyed writing, and before […]

A Thank You

As a special thank you to all of my readers, followers, lurkers and friends, I am releasing “Last Chapter,” one of my favourite stories published in my new collection Dark Winds Over Wellington, for you to read online for free.* ? last-chapter-1.pdf * This story is copyright. Except for the purpose of fair review, no […]

You Like Me. Right Now You Like Me.

Praise for “Dark Winds Over Wellington: Chilling Tales of the Weird & the Strange” “The stories in Tabatha Wood’s collection are carefully and intelligently crafted. You may think they’re just a tasty creepy snack, but then you start to feel a bit queasy, the cordyceps pokes out through your forehead and you find your perspective […]

Writing Hats – Morning Musings

I’m wearing so many writing hats at the moment, sometimes I forget which one I’m supposed to have perched on my head at any given time. I know some people expect me to always wear one particular hat, and some see all of my hats as awesome. Others don’t care about, or pay too much […]