2020 Round Up

I had big plans for 2020. Yeah, I know, me and everybody else, right? But I really did… And then… everything went to Hell in a hand basket.

This Year’s Best Of Me

I think it can be terribly easy to fall into the trap of feeling embarrassed or unsure about celebrating your achievements. For a long time I would laugh and say any wins on my scoreboard were a fluke, or a mistake. I would deflect the compliments and play down my hard work. I can’t even […]

Busy Bee, Busy Being Me

These past few weeks have been extraordinarily busy. I’ve spent a lot of time hunched, (apologies to my physiotherapist,) over my keyboard and churning out a steady stream of short stories. I’ve sent out six submissions in two weeks and I’m currently working on two more. I know these massive spurts of inspiration are likely […]

Some Notes On Self-Publishing Ebooks

I recently ran a writing group in my adoptive home-town of Wellington which focused on self-publishing. The following are my notes from my presentation where I spoke about my experiences self-publishing my ebook. A little bit about me I moved to Wellington in 2017 from Leicester in the UK. I’ve always enjoyed writing, and before […]

A Thank You

As a special thank you to all of my readers, followers, lurkers and friends, I am releasing “Last Chapter,” one of my favourite stories published in my new collection Dark Winds Over Wellington, for you to read online for free.* ? last-chapter-1.pdf * This story is copyright. Except for the purpose of fair review, no […]

You Like Me. Right Now You Like Me.

Praise for “Dark Winds Over Wellington: Chilling Tales of the Weird & the Strange” “The stories in Tabatha Wood’s collection are carefully and intelligently crafted. You may think they’re just a tasty creepy snack, but then you start to feel a bit queasy, the cordyceps pokes out through your forehead and you find your perspective […]

It Is Done … Almost

My manuscript is complete, and has been sent out to beta readers. I am under no illusions that my work is done and finished; I’m positive that there will be many more changes to be made, plot lines to improve, and characters to kill. Sending my ‘baby’ out into the world is terrifying. I wonder […]